"Life inclusive: CompetenceTandems"

The new inclusive project conducted by the Hildegardis Society

"Reaching up high in CompetenceTandems ", that is the motto of our new nationwide project scheduled from March 2013 to the beginning of 2016. The underlying proposition is funded by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) under the promotional reference 01FP1261. In two one-year cycles 20 female university students (with and without disabilities or a chronic illness) have the opportunity to focus on their academic and professional career - their personal path - and expand their networks together with like-minded peers. 


The core piece of our project is what we call the CompetenceTandem. For a period of twelve months, two students (one with and one without a disability) form a team in which they mutually exchange views, experiences and skills. The tandem partners are not only intended to support each other but to inspire each other and learn together. Through an continual exchange of views, they are also meant to open new perspectives on other realities of life for each other. 

...supported by co-mentors

In the course of the year, the tandem will be coached by two co-mentors (for six months consecutively). The students will not only receive hands-on academic and career advice from these experienced academics and professionals. They will also take an active part in the relationship by conducting biographic interviews with the mentors in which they identify success strategies as well as coping techniques. They will also inquire about how such factors as gender, age, social background, and disability influence important events and stages in life.

...and an extensive network

To multiply learning experiences and create synergy effects, the tandems and co-mentors are embedded into the wider network of all project participants. This will allow the group to establish manifold contacts and a close-knit support system that can be useful during as well as beyond the end of the programme.